This survey is now closed. Please visit our active research page for more survey opportunities:
The resulting research report from this survey can be found here:
What does it take to become a model-base enterprise (MBE)? Is your company considering adopting MBE? Are you curious about what others are doing? Would you like to transition from 3D CAD to MBD (Model-Based Definition), but get more from it?
We are researching MBE adoption trends, best practices, and common challenges associated with becoming a model-based enterprise. We invite you to participate in our survey, Becoming a Model-Based Enterprise (MBE). The survey takes just 10-15 minutes. As a thank you, we will send you a copy of the report summarizing the findings.
To better understand this survey topic, the following definitions may be helpful:
MBE (Model-Based Enterprise): An organization that uses MBD to support commissioning, operating, servicing, and decommissioning a product.
MBD (Model-Based Definition): Product and manufacturing information (PMI) is embedded into the 3D CAD model to support downstream processes such as manufacturing, analysis, and inspection.
PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information): The annotations in a 3D model that support various lifecycle activities such as material specifications, tolerances, and inspection requirements.
Semantic PMI: PMI that can be interpreted by software without human involvement or displayed for human interpretation.
Please take the survey to share your thoughts.
In addition, respondents will be entered into a drawing for one of twenty $25 Amazon gift cards.*
Individual responses will be kept confidential. Please feel free to forward this survey to others you feel have an opinion to share.
Thank you for your support, please check out our Active Research page for additional Tech-Clarity survey opportunities.
*See survey for eligibility rules