All Results for "All"


Pivotal Innovation Seeks to Systemize Value Growth

“Can an executive scientifically grow the value their company delivers to customers and thus company value?” It’s not often we encounter a solution provider aiming to answer a totally different question than others, but we just did. Pivotal Innovation has developed the Value Growth System, a combined SaaS software and services offering, to systemize value…

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Evaluating Modern PLM Systems

We’re excited to kick off Propel Software’s new “Office Hours” series of educational webinars. Our President, Jim Brown, will lead an interactive conversation with Zoetis Director of R&D, Greg Yow, and Propel VP, Tom Shoemaker. Together, they’ll discuss the state of the PLM market and the landscape for modern PLM solutions. The webinar will look…

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Infor Keeps Investing in Configurable Multi-Mode MES

Can you shorten the time to value (T2V) for MES? In a recent briefing, Julie Fraser came to an understanding that Infor is working to do that with its no-code configuration approach. Infor MES comes from a heritage of encouraging customers to use the solution completely out of the box with no custom code. It…

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How Smaller Manufacturers Should Approach New Automation Tech

How can smaller manufacturers chart effective automation strategies with their limited resources? That’s the topic of this Automation World article. In it, Tech-Clarity’s Julie Fraser and three other industry professionals offer suggestions for small manufacturers’ automation approach to plan for and execute successful and cost-effective automation programs. Automation World spoke with four industry experts: Jeff…

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New Thinking from MLC Rethink 2024

Tech-Clarity’s Julie Fraser was on the analyst panel of the Manufacturing Leadership Council’s (MLC’s) 20th anniversary Rethink conference. The panel looked back 20 years and forward 20 years in the journey to digital manufacturing. Julie’s perspective is that some things that seem new are not – like AI, which she wrote a report about in…

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Connect the Digital Thread with Generative AI

How can manufacturers leverage search-powered GenAI to connect their digital thread to improve engineering and service performance? Join our webinar on as we discuss how to get more value from enterprise systems like PLM by tapping into the data that already exists.  Rapid product development and fast service response are critical to profitability in the…

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How Connected Medical Devices Will Revolutionize Healthcare

Will connected medical devices make the Star Trek medical tricorders a reality in healthcare? A few decades ago, Star Trek’s tricorders were complete science fiction – only in the imagination could a device perform a simple scan and offer a full medical diagnosis of any ailment. While we may not be quite there yet, today’s…

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Supply Chain Sustainability: Steps Toward Green and Circular

What steps is your company taking to make your supply chain more sustainable? Join our community discussion on Wednesday, June 12 from 11AM-12PM EST hear Julie Fraser facilitate this conversation and learn from each other.  Nearly every company has sustainability initiatives now. The era of greenwashing is fading away. So what can you do, and…

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iTAC Reaches to New Heights and Depths

Based on our recent update briefing with iTAC board member Martin Heinz, we have an exhilarating view of how high and low an MES player can reach. With an offering that includes strong integration to sensors and IIoT, controls, SCADA, and ISA 95 Level 3 MES/MOM, iTAC shares this depth with only a few other…

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Unlock Efficiency with 5 Dimensions of Lab Digital Transformation

The integration of advanced digital technologies and data-driven approaches in the laboratory provides greater efficiency and improved accuracy in scientific research. Innovative technologies are enabling scientists to capture and extract novel insights from their experiments, optimize experiment design, and identify important patterns in their data. Implementing digital technologies in the lab requires proper planning and…

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Use Your Existing Data to Immediately Improve Profitability & Customer Satisfaction: Reality or Myth for Manufacturers?

Can manufacturers use existing data to instantly improve profitability and customer satisfaction? Join the webinar on June 12 to hear experts from Magic Software FactoryEye and their partner Sugar CRM along with Tech-Clarity’s Julie Fraser discuss whether this is a pipe dream or reality. Learn what it takes to have this data-based lever for business…

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Strategies for Long-Term Success 2024+

How do leading companies drive sustainable business success? Tech-Clarity is conducting our 6th annual study on the challenges, strategies, and plans companies have to develop their products, services, workforce, and business for long-term business success.  Please complete this questionnaire, and we’ll send you a copy of the final report as a thank you.  The survey…

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MES Buyer’s Guide: Why, How, and What

Do you want to ensure your investment in a manufacturing execution system (MES) generates full benefits? If so, you’ll need to understand not only why it’s valuable and what characteristics to evaluate, but also how to set up the team to buy MES. Traditional software procurement processes are typically not adequate. The MES Buyer’s Guide…

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Pillir Grows No-Code / Low-Code Success and Capabilities

Julie Fraser and Jim Brown were excited to get an update from Pillir about their cloud-based low-code / no-code offerings. We’ve been following them for some time and have been impressed by their ability to bring together disconnected systems common in the supply chain and manufacturing application ecosystems. In these areas, composite applications that create…

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Fuuz Manufacturing iPaaS and Modules Go the Last Mile

What’s one of the most challenging aspects of manufacturing digital transformation? Getting fast access to the right current production information in a usable format. MFGx has set about solving that problem over the past several years by developing Fuuz and is about to raise its profile as it expands beyond its consulting and ERP partners…

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A New Era of Manufacturing Continuous Improvement

Has your continuous improvement kept up with your business? It is a new era for manufacturing, and a new era for continuous improvement (CI) is available too. This eBook gives you ideas for how to update your CI with digital support and new approaches that ensure you build on your CI successes. We interviewed manufacturers,…

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Improving Factory Design and Manufacturing Process Planning

How are leading companies improving their manufacturing and factory planning approach across the lifecycle from facility design through manufacturing operations? We invite you to join a research study on how manufacturers streamline facility, factory, product, and operations design by taking a digital approach.  Please take 10 to 15 minutes to fill out this short survey….

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Reducing the Business Impact of Technology Waves

Switching software architectures, like the current move from web-based enterprise architectures to SaaS, can cause significant cost and disruption. How can companies avoid the increased total cost of ownership and reduced ROI during these transitions? Learn how low-code platforms help eliminate the need to repeat the rip-and-replace cycle as computing paradigms evolve. Please enjoy the…

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Gridraster Shows the Art of the Possible in Mixed Reality

We had a fascinating update briefing with Gridraster COO/Co-founder Dijam Panigrahi, highlighting the growing potential of XR and spatial computing. When we first spoke with them a couple of years ago, we were excited about their platform and what it offers their application provider partners. Namely, Gridraster provides the infrastructure they need to deliver solutions…

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ComplianceQuest Continues to Expand

Jim Brown and Julie Fraser are enthused after recently catching up with ComplianceQuest’s CSO and VP of Product Marketing, Nikki Willett. Their progress is impressive. At ten years old, ComplianceQuest continues to expand and innovate to realize its vision of software for quality that touches everything. This vision and product suite span engineering and R&D…

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