I am giddy with optimism after a briefing with Arcstone. Finally, end-to-end supply chain visibility for compliance and sustainability assurance appears possible. This Singapore-based company recognized that a crucial missing piece for supply chain operations is accurate information from the plant floors of everyone in that ecosystem. They also address a way to share that information without undue overhead and hassle. Arcstone has products that span from the smallest supplier’s plant floor to the entire ecosystem.
- arc.lite is a free MES for companies that might not otherwise have an IT system for production that digitizes paper-based operations.
- arc.ops is a low-code modular MES with 20 modules and powerful integration capabilities.
- arc.net is a multi-tier supply chain partner collaboration and real-time visibility tool that can deliver secure traceability through blockchain. T
- arc.green leverages all of that supply chain-wide data to create a carbon footprint rating.
Initially, Arcstone is focused on precision engineering industries such as plastic and metal components; complex equipment makers in semiconductor and medical equipment; and filling in gaps in batch process industries such as food and CPG.
To expand their reach, Arcstone works with system integrator partners. Their partnerships with educational institutions are an inspiration also. Students can bring this into their work lives if they realize what is possible.
Thank you, Willson Deng, for spending time to explain your vision. Thank you, Benedict Sotto, for sending great visual materials. I look forward to following Arcstone’s progress as you expand your footprint and customer base in North America and beyond.