Will connected medical devices make the Star Trek medical tricorders a reality in healthcare?
A few decades ago, Star Trek’s tricorders were complete science fiction – only in the imagination could a device perform a simple scan and offer a full medical diagnosis of any ailment. While we may not be quite there yet, today’s connected medical devices are getting close to making that a reality and, in some cases, have already delivered. In fact, connected medical devices have come so far, they can provide medical treatments, diagnostics, and real-time monitoring that would have been considered science fiction not too long ago. Connected medical devices will revolutionize healthcare by advancing the quality of patient care, lowering healthcare costs, and improving people’s lives.
To learn more, read our guest post that:
- Defines connected medical devices and shares examples
- Explains how they improve the quality of healthcare
- Discusses the future of connected medical devices
- Includes video snip-its explaining how connected medical devices have helped Fresenius improve patient outcomes
Read the full guest post on the PTC blog.