Julie Fraser and I are enthusiastic about the potential for manufacturers to get more from their data following a briefing with enterprise search company Sinequa. Sinequa is tailoring their search applications to directly support manufacturers who want more holistic, integrated intelligence about their products and their business. Being able to find and connect data across…
PDM/PLM User Satisfaction Survey
PDM/PLM Satisfaction Survey – Status Quo is Satisfactory but Needs are Changing shares the results of a survey of over 500 PLM users exploring their satisfaction with their Product Data Management (PDM) and/or Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems. The report conveys the perspectives of a large number of PLM users ranging in seniority, position, and industry. The study…
Should we define PLM as an Engineering Decision-making Framework?
A quick peek into some research on Improving Engineering Decision-making with PLM from a recent Tech-Clarity report. The report discusses how manufacturers can improve products (and profits) by enabling engineers and product developers to make better decisions. Is this a new way to define PLM? Perhaps this gets to the fundamental problem PLM solves? At…
Improving Engineering Decision-Making with PLM
Issue in Focus: Improving Engineering Decision-Making with PLM – Better Products through Information-Driven Decisions discusses the importance of enabling engineers and product developers to make informed decisions when developing products. The report discusses how PLM must provide efficient and rapid access to product information – in context – so engineers can make optimal, information-driven decisions…
Product Data Accessibility
Issue in Focus: Product Data Accessibility: Getting Value from All of Your Product Data explains the importance for manufacturers to be able to access and share product data, regardless of whether it is centralized in a system like PDM or not. Explains that accessing product data and centralizing it are not absolutely linked, and describes…
The Business Value of Product Data Management
Tech-Clarity Insight: The Business Value of Product Data Management: Achieving Rapid and Extendable Benefits explains how manufacturers use PDM to control their product data, improve their ability to find information, and better share knowledge with other departments. The report shares the experiences of three manufacturers that took a more “out of the box” approach to…