Jim Brown presents on the use of social computing and social networking to improve product innovation. Jim presented research at a Tekes sponsored meeting in Finland on how manufacturers use social media to transform their product development processes, including the use of open innovation and crowdsourcing. View the Video Replay
Presentations & Videos
Reduce Risk and Accelerate Benefits with PLM Vivo
Jim Brown presents on this webcast sponsored by Oracle and Kalypso. The webcast introduces a new pre-configured PLM offering aimed at helping food and beverage companies better implement PLM. View a Replay of the Event
The Value of PLM in Product and Service Leadership – Myths of PLM
Jim Brown presents at an invitation-only SAP customer event at SAP North American headquarters in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. The presentation focuses on the top myths regarding product lifecycle management (PLM). Event is invitation only by SAP.
Webcasts: Learn what Social Business Collaboration and Advanced Product Portfolio Management Have in Common
A quick peek into some research on Social Business Collaboration and Advanced PPM. What do these two very interesting topics have in common? Live webcasts featuring Jim Brown of Tech-Clarity next week, Thursday and Friday February 16-17. OK, I admit it was a cheap trick, but I hope it convinces you to learn about one…
Podcast: Interview with 2011 Spike Award for Manufacturing Winner Madison Electric Products
I had the chance to talk with … Rob Fisher of Madison Electric Products following the 2011 Spike Summit. Amy Kenly of Kalypso presented his company with the Spike Award for Manufacturing for theirs Sparks Innovation Center. I think you will enjoy hearing about the opportunity that they saw and how they took advantage of…
Podcast: Interviewing 2011 Spike Award for Technology Winner CDC Software
I had the chance to talk with … Robert Roy of CDC Software following the 2011 Spike Summit. Amy Kenly of Kalypso presented CDC Software with the Spike Award for Technology based on their use of social strategies, processes and supporting technologies to improve innovation, product management, and product development. Rob provided some great insight…