How do Top Performing companies get better results with their multi-disciplinary development projects? Projects involving multiple engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, and software can be incredibly complex. How much time do team members waste searching for information, investigating and fixing errors, dealing with integration issues, working around poor architecture design choices, and redoing work…
Engineering Buyer’s Guide for Multi-Discipline Systems
What should you look for in a systems engineering solution for your company to manage multi-discipline systems? As products become smarter and more connected, they also get more complex. Expert systems engineering practices can help to manage this complexity, especially when you are developing multi-discipline systems. The right technology can also be critical to support…
Systems Engineering and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
This survey is now closed. To access the resulting research, please go to: For more Tech-Clarity survey opportunities, please visit What is your company doing to support systems engineering best practices such as MBSE? Have you considered adopting Model-Based Systems (MBSE)? Companies developing products that include mechanical components, electronics, and software must…
MBSE: The Unsung Hero
Would you like to learn more about one of the fastest growing best practices for systems engineering, MBSE: The Unsung Hero? Michelle Boucher joined an expert panel to discuss MBSE as the unsung hero of systems engineering and a key enabler of innovation in complex products. The panel discussed: How MBSE is different The value…
Understanding MBSE
How are your engineers managing increasing product complexity? As competitive pressures have driven innovations such as smarter features and new services, product complexity has increased. Consequently, this continues to make the job of an engineer that much harder. Our research has found that this complexity is only going to increase. Yet, the most successful companies…
Michelle Boucher Speaks at Big Lever’s Momentum 2021 Symposium
What role should feature-based Product Line Engineering (PLE) play in a digital transformation strategy? On May 11-12, 2021, Big Lever will be holding their Momentum 2021 Symposium and this question will be the underlying theme of the event. Tech-Clarity’s Michelle Boucher will join the list of speakers and she will explore the question, why should…