“Can an executive scientifically grow the value their company delivers to customers and thus company value?” It’s not often we encounter a solution provider aiming to answer a totally different question than others, but we just did. Pivotal Innovation has developed the Value Growth System, a combined SaaS software and services offering, to systemize value…
Customer Value
Our Perspective on Siemens PLM Strategy
Siemens continues to be a dominant force in the PLM market. Since our last update on Siemens PLM, their vision to support product innovation, product development, engineering, and production has continued to expand from an already broad suite of capabilities. It’s time to acknowledge that they’ve gone beyond the traditional boundaries of “PLM” to a more…
Siemens PLM Vision 2015+
In addition to being a major industrial manufacturer in their own right, Siemens PLM has a rich history in the engineering software industry. Today, they continue to drive their PLM agenda forward while taking greater advantage of the synergies available from being a part of a global manufacturer with offerings including manufacturing automation equipment, manufacturing operations management (MOM)…