How can companies improve business results by increasing the digital maturity in their chemical labs? The Digital Chemical Lab, Top Performers Digitalizing Their Chemical Laboratories, shares insights from a survey of over 170 chemical companies examining their lab processes, data, solutions, and digital maturity. The survey benchmarks the level of digitalization against business performance, finding…
Secrets to Delivering Smart, Connected Product Portfolios (webcast)
How do top performing companies plan and deliver profitable portfolios of smarter, more connected products? Join this webcast to hear what recent survey results tell us about developing innovative products in the digital age. The webcast includes results from the 6th Product Portfolio Management Benchmark study, conducted by Tech-Clarity and sponsored by Planview. Hear Tech-Clarity’s Jim…
Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and Purchasing
How can manufacturers bridge the knowledge gap between design and procurement? The Manufacturer’s Guide to Bridging the Engineering-Purchasing Gap shares our perspective on how manufacturers can take a digital approach to sharing critical BOM data from Engineering with Purchasing so they can reduce cost, improve efficiency, and prevent late shipments due to part shortages. Please…
Guide to Selecting a Smart, Connected Product Design Solution (eBook)
How does product design, development, and engineering need to change in order to support digital products? Key Considerations for Selecting a Smart, Connected Product Design Solution eBook shares that today’s new product development (NPD) processes simply aren’t comprehensive enough to effectively design smart, connected products. What do manufacturers need to look for in their engineering…
Enabling the Digital Twin with IoT (webcast)
How can manufacturers get more value from their digital initiatives by leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT)? Manufacturers who embrace digitalization gain increased agility, innovation, speed, quality, and profitability in design, development, manufacturing, and the service lifecycle. One of the key enablers of these improvements is establishing a closer connection between product models and how…
IoT Machine Monitoring Quick Start Guide
How can manufacturers quickly gain value from remote equipment monitoring using the Internet of Things to begin their digital and service transformations? The Monitoring Equipment with IoT Quick Start Guide eBook offers pragmatic advice for companies that want to jump-start their IoT initiative with a practical approach that leads to much more significant value over…