As highlighted in a Tech-Clarity report, “Drive Higher Profits with IoT Machine Monitoring and Optimization,” Top Performers are more likely to integrate machine data, enterprise systems, engineering data, and operational systems to drive higher profitability. This integration improves their ability to offer low-cost service, keep unplanned downtime low, troubleshoot machine problems quickly, provide data security,…
Remote Monitoring
Navigate the Service Maze with Clear, Concise, and Safe Practices
As highlighted in a McKinsey report, “From Field to Remote Operations: Embracing Change to Enable Growth,” maximizing the efficiency of field service technicians is becoming increasingly crucial for organizations, especially as they face the retirement of their experienced field service technicians. Field service technicians also act as ambassadors for their company and directly impact their…
Win the Service Challenge Game with Service Driven Design
A McKinsey publication shows that the average EBIT margins for after-market services are 150% higher than those for selling new machines. As revenue from services becomes increasingly important to manufacturers, it is vital that leaders pay attention to harnessing the full benefits of servitization by embracing “Service Driven Design.” How can manufacturers adopt an effective…
Improve Service with Equipment Monitoring
How can companies leverage the IoT to increase service profitability and customer loyalty? Many companies have found that remote monitoring helps them transform service to dramatically improve service performance. But what’s required to turn machine data into actionable service intelligence? This infographic highlights the key findings from our buyer’s guide on improving service with remote…
Digital Transformation at BID Group using IoT (webcast)
How has one of the largest integrated suppliers to the wood processing industry used the IoT to digitally transform their business and deliver new revenue? Learn how BID Group has improved throughput and performance for their customers by remotely monitoring their equipment through the IoT. Join this interactive IndustryWeek webcast, How BID Group Delivers New…
Selecting a Solution for IoT Remote Monitoring (webcast)
What should manufacturers look for in a solution to digitalize and transform service through IoT remote monitoring? What can they do to change the relationship they have with their products and customers to increase business value for themselves and those using their products? Join this interactive webcast, How to Select the Right Digital Transformation Solution,…