Jim Brown presented his recent research on building versus buying IIoT infrastructure in the upcoming Top 5 Factors for a Successful Industrial IoT Implementation webcast on Engineering.com (sponsored by Autodesk). The webcast also featured Autodesk’s Head of IoT, Bryan Kester, sharing how IIoT can help improve product service, close the loop on engineering designs, and…
Why Do Top Performers Use PLM? (infographic)
Autodesk published an infographic sharing our research on why top performing companies – those with better revenue growth, higher margin growth, and greater cost reduction – use Product Lifecycle Management solutions. It also shares some of our findings on the time and cost to implement PLM and Top Performers’ use of cloud solutions. We’ve included…
Top Five Considerations to Build or Buy IoT Infrastructure (on demand webcast)
Jim Brown shared his recent research on building versus buying IoT infrastructure in the Top Five Things that Ensure a Successful IoT Implementation: Exploring the Nature of IoT Projects and Build vs. Buy Decisions Industry Week webcast webinar (sponsored by Autodesk). The webcast also featured Autodesk’s Head of IoT, Bryan Kester, sharing the value of a smart,…
Autodesk PLM Vision 2016+
Autodesk continues to grow their capabilities and presence in the PLM market. As PLM solutions continue to grow more broad and integrated, it’s getting more difficult to talk about PLM strategies independently from the rest of the solution suite. Autodesk is no exception, because they’ve adopted a broad strategy that goes beyond PLM, expanding to a Product Innovation Platform approach. So this post…
Jim Brown Shares Data Management Research on “Create Order from Chaos with Autodesk Vault” Webcast
Jim Brown will join Jeff Makarewicz of Giffin, Inc. and Autodesk’s Kevin Robinson to share insights about product data management (PDM) on this exciting webcast on Tuesday, April 21. The presenters will discuss the findings from the report and how they impact manufacturers including Giffin. Register now!
The Facts About Managing Product Data
The Facts about Managing Product Data – The Real Story on PDM Value and Accessibility offers insights to help uncover the truth about managing product data. The research shares analysis of over 2,500 responses to a multi-national survey investigating the challenges, uses, and implementation experiences of companies that use CAD files. The analysis shows that Top Performers – those with better…