2023 is in the rearview mirror and I’m reflecting on a few things that Michelle Boucher and I learned and what they mean for our industry. Here are some takeaways from Autodesk University 2023, including AI and PLM strategy updates, that will have a big impact on the industry. This is only a small portion…
What’s The Cost of Disconnected Tools to Your Business?
How much do disconnected tools cost your business? Historically, most companies have relied on multiple disconnected tools to get the job done, particularly in product development and manufacturing. IT then invests significant effort to integrate them. Interestingly, Top Performing companies say that reducing manual efforts and non-value-added work is most important for successful product development…
Transforming Manufacturing in the Transportation Industry
How can auto manufacturers improve process design performance in the face of increased complexity? We surveyed over 150 people involved with manufacturing engineering and found that modernizing processes and technology drives higher automotive manufacturing engineering productivity and performance. These improvements are crucial to profitability in the transportation and mobility industry as customers demand high quality,…
Takeaways from Hexagon Live 2023
Takeaways from Hexagon Live 2023 I attended my first Hexagon Live user conference this year. It was a well-attended, high-energy, polished event. I have to say, the content reminded me of my first conversation with Hexagon at a COFES industry conference a few years ago where I was overwhelmed with the scope and depth of…
Hexagon Launches Digital Reality Platform, Nexus (Insight)
We spoke with Hexagon following a recent event launching their Nexus platform. Hexagon already offers a wide range of solutions supporting the product lifecycle, including design and engineering; production; and metrology and inspection portfolios from its Manufacturing Intelligence division and others including the newly acquired Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and quality management (QMS, ETQ) solutions….
ENOVIA and NETVIBES Show Transition to a Business Platform (Insight)
Michelle Boucher and I had the opportunity to get an update on Dassault Systemes’ progress and strategy by attending a relatively small industry analyst day meeting. The event was a joint presentation for two important DS brands, ENOVIA and NETVIBES and allowed us to get a behind-the-scenes look and ask a lot of questions. What…