Jim Brown and I are jazzed up after learning about how Elisa IndustrIQ is combining the data management and analytics of the parent telco to strengthen already successful manufacturing applications. This combination of data structures, analytics algorithms for AI and ML, and applications that serve specific industries’ needs can deliver very high value. Elisa IndustrIQ…
Seven Keys to Improving Service with the IoT
Current economic conditions make service profitability and asset longevity more important than ever. How can service organizations leverage the IoT to transform service and improve service performance and profitability? This Buyer’s Guide offers seven ways that can help companies get started or expand on early efforts, apply lessons learned from initial projects, and drive repeatable…
Analytics and AI for Decision-Making in Manufacturing
How far along are manufacturers in their journey toward using AI for decision-making in production? We want to know from you! We are conducting an update of our 2021 research The Manufacturing Data Challenge. Questions include: How are companies managing the diverse data sets in their manufacturing operation? Are companies ready to use AI and…
ENOVIA and NETVIBES Show Transition to a Business Platform (Insight)
Michelle Boucher and I had the opportunity to get an update on Dassault Systemes’ progress and strategy by attending a relatively small industry analyst day meeting. The event was a joint presentation for two important DS brands, ENOVIA and NETVIBES and allowed us to get a behind-the-scenes look and ask a lot of questions. What…
Update on Product Mining Company Soley (Insight)
I caught up with a really interesting software company that I’ve been following named Soley. I shared a bit about them after our first discussion last year and I was impressed with their unique solution. At that time, I saw how they used cloud, analytics, and collaborative decision-making to understand the impact products have on…
Bouncing Forward with Digital Transformation and Analytics
Business risk continues to grow and disrupt businesses, markets, and supply chains. Companies struggle to just bounce back from each disruption. But how can they do more, using digital transformation and analytics to bounce forward to take advantage of the opportunities that disruption presents? In this webinar, Jim Brown will share how companies have accelerated…