Driving Engineer-to-Order Differentiation and Profitability, Analyzing Trends and Best Practices in Product Configuration shares survey findings and interviews with leading manufacturers showing how Top Performers achieve higher revenue and profit margin growth through ETO best practice processes and technology. The research shares results of a survey of over 200 manufacturers and analyzes their use of…
Shifting CTO Design and Validation Left (infographic)
This infographic explains how manufacturers can improve configure-to-order (CTO) profitability by shifting design and validation “left,” earlier in the product lifecycle, to rapidly respond to requests with accurate quotes and quality products. For more information on 3D Design and Validation, download the related eBook from our sponsor Dassault Systemes (free of charge, registration required). You can also see…
3D Design and Validation for CTO Products (eBook)
This new eBook explains how companies with configure-to-order (CTO) products can improve efficiency and responsiveness through the intelligent use of 3D design and validation techniques. The research shares perspectives from Tech-Clarity’s Jim Brown and GE’s Jeff Erno on how design and validation can be “shifted left” in time so manufacturers can accurately and rapidly deliver quotes…
Webcast Driving a Competitive Edge Through Customization
Jim Brown joins Mark Rogers of Price HVAC and Rick Smith of Siemens PLM to discuss how to improve ETO processes and performance. Jim will share findings from a recent survey on what strategies, best practices, and enabling technologies top performing manufacturers use to gain higher profits from their customized products. Register now (free of charge, registration required)…
What’s Happening in Engineer to Order (ETO) and Design Automation?
Engineer to Order is a great way to increase sales and improve margins for some and a business reality for those in industries that demand products that fit into their customers’ environments. It’s also one of my favorite topics because I have seen the issue from the ERP / sales configurator side of things as well…
Webcast on Leveraging Knowledge in Engineer to Order
Jim Brown will present his view on engineer to order (ETO) business value and best practices on the Mobilize Your Product Knowledge to Win More Engineer to Order Business webcast with Brian Grogan of Siemens PLM and Kip Alexander of Babcock & Wilcox. The presentation will discuss the business benefits and resulting complexity of customized…