All Results for "All"


Managing Engineering Data

Tech-Clarity Insight: Managing Engineering Data – The Role of Product Data Management in Improving Engineering Efficiency shares the benefits of controlling engineering data and collaborating with PDM. The research discusses extending PDM with product-related processes and expanding implementations beyond engineering data. Please enjoy the free Executive Summary below, or click the report title above to…

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The Business Value of Product Data Management

Tech-Clarity Insight: The Business Value of Product Data Management: Achieving Rapid and Extendable Benefits explains how manufacturers use PDM to control their product data, improve their ability to find information, and better share knowledge with other departments. The report shares the experiences of three manufacturers that took a more “out of the box” approach to…

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CGT Webcast on Improving Innovation and Value Creation despite Regulation in CPG

Jim Brown will present in this Consumer Goods Technology webcast sponsored by Dassault Systemes. Jim will share his perspectives on how companies can develop highly innovative products in shorter time through the use of best practices and PLM technology. CPG companies face extreme demands on innovation and market responsiveness, but they must also navigate a…

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Better Service from Better Product Information

Tech-Clarity Insight: Better Service from Better Product Information: Evolving to Visual, Product-Centric Service Communication discusses the importance of having accurate, timely product information at hand in order to profit from service and satisfy customers in the service lifecycle. Highlights the importance of detailed, visual service information such as 3D graphics and animations to communicate product…

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The Business Value of Simulation

The Business Value of Simulation – Saving Time and Money, and Getting Products Right the First Time reviews how manufacturers can leverage simulation processes and technology to save time, reduce cost, drive efficiency, improve quality, and increase innovation. Discusses the economic value available from early design analysis and validation. Please enjoy the free Executive Summary…

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Rules-driven Product Management

Rules-driven Product Management: Achieving Greater Value from Customer-Specified Products highlights the manufacturing strategy of customizing products to exact customer specifications to combat commoditization, globalization, margin shrink and increased competition, and how Rules-driven Product Management can help. Please enjoy the free Executive Summary below, or click the report title above to download the full PDF (free…

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Getting the PPM Band Back Together at Pipeline 2012

We are getting the whole gang back together for a great online conference – Pipeline 2012 – The Online Conference for Innovative Product Development. Last year I had the privilege of presenting at the Pipeline 2011 event. My presentation, Social Computing and the Product Lifecycle, focused on the applicability of social computing to improve different…

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Engineering Fundamentals: Product Data Management

Jim Brown presents on this webinar about “Building the PLM Foundation with PDM” sponsored by Siemens PLM. Jim’s presentation highlights the importance of PDM basics – control, access, and sharing product data- to successful product development. View a Replay of the Webcast

Mobile PLM for Improved Profitability

Jim Brown joins Siemens PLM on this webcast on the value that PLM plays in a mobile setting. His presentation discusses the use of mobile Product Lifecycle Management Solutions and how they can help Engineering and Product or Program managers improve business performance. Register for the Webinar View Related Webinar on IT Considerations

Going Social with Product Development

Going Social with Product Development: Improving Product Development Performance with Social Computing explores how manufacturers are taking advantage of social computing and “Web 2.0” technologies to raise the bar on product development performance. Provides examples of how the concepts behind social networking are being applied in to help new product development (NPD) teams boost performance…

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Nuage Social Business Collaboration Launch

The Nuage Social Business Collaboration Launch was the official launch of a new company focused providing social computing capabilities to business. Jim Brown presented his views from his recent report on social business collaboration and the product lifecycle as a guest host of the launch of software company Nuage Corporation. View a Replay of the…

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Evolving Roles of ERP and PLM

The Evolving Roles of ERP and PLM: Integrating the Roles of Execution and Innovation extends past research on the roles of ERP and PLM, describes the evolution of ERP-PLM integration beyond the basics to a more mature, bi-directional interaction. Reviews how companies can close the loop between product innovation and managing the business of manufacturing….

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