As highlighted in a McKinsey report, “From Field to Remote Operations: Embracing Change to Enable Growth,” maximizing the efficiency of field service technicians is becoming increasingly crucial for organizations, especially as they face the retirement of their experienced field service technicians. Field service technicians also act as ambassadors for their company and directly impact their…
eschbach Boosts 24/7 Collaboration in Chemical and Pharma
Are no-code, natural-language-based AI, and Industry 5.0 new? Not to eschbach, a company that has developed and sold Process Plant Management (PPM) for about 20 years. Its Shiftconnector uses no-code tailoring and has included natural language intelligence for six years. To founder and CEO @Andreas Eschbach, it seems the market is finally catching up to…
How Advanced Analytics in Manufacturing Can Lead to Cost Cuts (guest post)
Could deeper insights lower some manufacturing costs? For years, continuous improvement programs have successfully lowered operating costs. Now, companies are using advanced analytics in manufacturing to find even more opportunities. This is not your father’s analytics. Rather, it correlates among different data sources, including IoT, to deliver fresh insights for confidently moving to reduce costs….
Lower Six Manufacturing Costs with IoT (eBook)
How can IoT and advanced technologies lower costs in manufacturing? Lower Six Manufacturing Costs with IoT explores how new technologies can help keep age-old manufacturing expenses in check. The report discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies for monitoring and using data can streamline processes and support people in making profitable decisions….
Tech-Clarity TV – Using 3D Virtual Reality for Training in Industry
This episode of Tech-Clarity TV focuses on how industrial companies leverage 3D Virtual Reality and their own 3D digital assets to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and risk profile of training in industrial settings. The video includes information from a recent research report that shares insights and examples of how VR technology can be applied to…