All Results for "All"


Servicing Medical Equipment

Servicing Medical Equipment: World Class Service Management for Medical Equipment extends prior research on world class service management to the medical device industry. The research suggests that there are two fundamentals that service organizations must master to rise above the competition – operational control of service operations and equipment intelligence. The paper discusses how medical device…

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Business Intelligence Extending PLM Value

Business Intelligence Extending PLM Value: PLM Maturity Enables New Value from Analytics points out the significant value that has accumulated in PLM systems as implementations and usage have matured, and how manufacturers can tap into that value with business intelligence (BI) solutions. Please enjoy the free Introduction below, or click the report title above to…

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The ROI of Product Portfolio Management

Issue in Focus: The ROI of Product Portfolio Management: The “How to Guide” for Predicting Return on Investment for PPM explains that companies are frequently challenged when they are required to develop a credible, supportable financial model to determine the benefits of PPM initiatives. This “Issue in Focus” is intended to help guide companies in developing…

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The Five Degrees of Product Complexity

Jim Brown presents on this webcast sponsored by Siemens PLM. The presentation examines how manufacturers address the five critical dimensions of product complexity to achieve maximum profitability, and how Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions help manage these five dimensions of product complexity on an enterprise scale, resulting in greater efficiency and better products. Complexities addressed…

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Innovating in Consumer Goods without Buckling under Compliance Pressures

Tech-Clarity, Inc. President Jim Brown, joins a Consumer Goods Technology  webcast and Dr. John Sottery of Dassault Systemes on this web presentation, Increase the Velocity of Value Creation in Your Organization. Jim will share his perspective on how companies can develop highly innovative products in shorter time through the use of best practices and PLM…

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Streamlining Product Documentation and Raising the Bar with 3D Communication

Jim Brown presented with Garth Coleman of Dassault Systemes on a IndustryWeek webinar,  Streamlining Product Documentation and Raising the Bar with 3D Communication. The webinar shared Tech-Clarity research on how to use 3D product communications to improve efficiency, time to market, quality, cost, and customer experience. Click the title to see the recorded webcast. Registration…

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ACE Innovation Series Webcasts

Jim Brown presented on a series of three innovation-focused webcasts with Kalypso and Aras. Mr. Brown will present on topics including how to develop a world class product development strategy and how to leverage PLM solutions to realize the strategy. Click the titles below to view the recorded webcasts (registration required on Aras site). Journey…

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Interview with SPIKE Award Winner Kimberly-Clark

Interview with SPIKE Award Winner Kimberly-Clark – Jim Brown interviews Steve Paljieg of Kimberley-Clark on receiving the SPIKE award for use of social media and social technology in product innovation for their MomInspired program. Click the title to view the site on SPIKE! sponsor Kalypso‘s site.  

Interview on Social Networking in PLM – COFES 2010

Interview on Social Networking and PLM – Jim Brown interviewed at COFES by Nik Pavasa of Siemens PLM, primarily focusing on the use of social computing and social software in product development. Please view the recorded interview on the Siemens PLM blog, no registration required.    

Leveraging the Digital Factory

Leveraging the Digital Factory: Enhancing Productivity from Operator to Enterprise provides visibility to the way manufacturers utilize Manufacturing Process Management (MPM) processes and solutions to help reduce cost, speed time to market, and improve product quality. The paper features interviews from companies that are leveraging MPM to digitally prototype plant layouts, material flow, production lines,…

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A Risk-Based Approach to Component and Supplier Management

A Risk-Based Approach to Component and Supplier Management: Mitigating Risk with Component and Compliance Intelligence discusses the importance of a structured risk management process to mitigate supply risk and ensure products can be delivered to market reliably and cost-effectively, and the importance of having the right supply chain information to support the process. Click here…

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Enabling PLM: The CIO’s Guide to Supporting a PLM Initiative

Insight: Enabling Product Lifecycle Management: The CIO’s Guide to Supporting a PLM Initiative– Provides PLM technology insight and understanding to prepare today’s CIO to support Product Lifecycle Management. Points out unique implementation and support challenges the CIO and their team must be aware of in order to get the most business value out of PLM….

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Complementary Roles of ERP and PLM

Complementary Roles of ERP and PLM: Leveraging Enterprise Applications to Maximize Product Profitability provides an overview of the roles that ERP and PLM can play in maximizing product profitability, describing recent implementations and key considerations to help manufacturers determine the right application approach for their business. Please enjoy the free Introduction below, or click the report…

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Developing Sofware-Intensive Products

Perspective: Developing Software-Intensive Products: Addressing the Innovation-Complexity Conundrum presents survey data and analysis to help manufacturers understand the benefits and challenges of developing products that derive a significant amount of their capabilities from software. The terms “embedded software” and “mechatronics” really don’t describe the varied uses of software in today’s products from automobiles to appliances….

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Design West – Embedded Software Conference

Jim Brown shares the results of a recent survey in a presentation with Matt Klassen of PTC at Design West, 2012 in San Jose, California. The presentation reveals the “Innovation-Complexity Conundrum.” Manufacturers are increasing the amount, importance, and innovation derived from product software resulting in important business benefits – but driving increased product development complexity….

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Prior Tech-Clarity Presentations (sorry, no longer available online)

The following presentations provide a historical view of events presented by Tech-Clarity. They are either past in-person events or online events that are no longer available online. Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing any of the presentation materials or discussing the contents. Or, if you see your event here and there is…

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Social Networking in Product Innovation, Product Development, and Engineering

Jim Brown presents on the use of social computing and social networking to improve product innovation. Jim  presented research at a Tekes sponsored meeting in Finland on how manufacturers use social media to transform their product development processes, including the use of open innovation and crowdsourcing. View the Video Replay