All Results for "All"


Guide to Manufacturing Transformation – Are Your Enterprise Systems Ready?

This eBook, A Guide to Manufacturing Transformation, discusses the current resurgence of global manufacturing and shares how ERP and PLM systems help. It offers advice for manufacturers to capitalize on new opportunities presented by the recovery and evolution of the manufacturing industry. The eBook is a collaboration between Cindy Jutras of Mint Jutras and Jim Brown…

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The Basics of Managing CAD

Tech-Clarity Insight The Basics of Managing CAD – When Brute Force Fails and PDM is too Much explains the need to manage CAD files and the current options available to manufacturers. The report analyzes the positives and negatives of manually managed approaches, implementing PDM/PLM, and utilizing cloud-based file management services. The research then reviews the…

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Tech-Clarity adds VP Engineering Software Research Michelle Boucher

Tech-Clarity is pleased to announce the expansion of our research team! Industry veteran and former Aberdeen Group Senior Research Analyst Michelle Boucher joins Tech-Clarity as Vice President of Research covering engineering software. Michelle brings a wealth of depth in engineering, product development, and research. For more on Michelle’s background please visit her bio page. As…

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Michelle Boucher

Michelle Boucher is the Vice President of Research for Engineering Practices for research firm Tech-Clarity. Ms. Boucher has spent over 20 years in various roles in engineering, marketing, management, and as an analyst.   She has broad experience with topics such as product design, simulation, systems engineering, mechatronics, embedded systems, PCB design, additive manufacturing, improving product performance,…

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Integrating Product Design and Development Environments

Issue in Focus Integrating Product Design and Development Environments – Battling Complexity, Improving Productivity, and Compressing Time discusses how a well-integrated CAD-PLM platform helps improve engineering and product development performance. This report describes the requirements and capabilities that manufacturers should look for in the latest generation of integrated systems for product design and development. Please…

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Kalypso’s Young and Tech-Clarity’s Brown in CGT Reader’s Choice on NPDI Technology

Read Kalypso founding partner George Young and Tech-Clarity President Jim Brown discuss their perspectives on enabling software for NPDI in Consumer Goods Technology’s 2014 Readers Choice Awards for New Product Development and Introduction Software.

Consolidating CAD – Benefits of a Unified CAD Strategy

Tech-Clarity Insight – Consolidating CAD – The Benefits of a Unified CAD Strategy offers insight into the strategic value companies can achieve by standardizing on a single CAD package. The report explains how to calculate an ROI for CAD consolidation based on direct cost savings. Perhaps more importantly, the research identifies a number of strategic…

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Desktop Engineering Views on CAD Consolidation Research

Tony Lockwood of Desktop Engineering shared his thoughts on Tech-Clarity’s Consolidating Design Software, Extending Value Beyond 3D CAD Consolidation. I like his description of “working in a multi-CAD environment with multiple disconnected tools and multiple money pits bleeding you dry at every junction of your process.” Read the short article by Tony on Desktop Engineering.  

Product Cost Management – A Knowledge Based Approach to Optimizing Product Cost

Product Cost Management – A Knowledge Based Approach to Optimizing Product Cost explains how manufacturers can design products for optimal cost in order to improve profitability. The research shares interviews with three industrial manufacturers on the way they work with their supply chains to reduce cost using an analytical, fact-based methodology to drive out unnecessary…

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The Business Value of Product Data Management

The Business Value of Product Data Management – Achieving Rapid and Extendable Benefits with Preconfigured PDM shares the perspectives of three small to midsize manufacturers on the value they receive from PDM software. The report also offers Tech-Clarity’s views on the business value of PDM and explains how preconfigured PDM solutions can help companies gain…

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PLM’s Role in Enabling Design for Environment

Tech-Clarity Insight – PLM’s Role in Enabling Design for Environment discusses the tremendous challenges manufacturers face from sustainability demands and regulations. The report discusses how companies can adopt a strategy and culture that helps them address sustainability and compliance needs early in design and how PLM software provides a platform of capabilities that can be…

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Top 5 Misconceptions about Innovation Management Software

Tech-Clarity Insight – Top 5 Misconceptions about Innovation Management Software – Busting Myths to Improve Innovation, Time to Market, and Profitability discusses common misconceptions related to innovation, ideation, portfolio management, and project management software suites. These myths cause confusion and prevent companies from moving forward with important process improvements that innovation management software enables. Please…

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Managing Design Data with SharePoint

Tech-Clarity Insight – Managing Design Data with SharePoint – Improving Product Design and Development using Low Overhead Collaboration Infrastructure explains how general document management and collaboration infrastructure can be extended to manage product designs. The report reviews the business benefits of controlling, accessing, and sharing design data and the challenges manufacturers face in  unmanaged environments….

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Webcast – Separating Innovation Fact from Fiction

Tech-Clarity’s Jim Brown will present his views on product innovation and innovation management software on the Separating Fact from Fiction to Power Product Innovation webcast. Jim will join Carrie Nauyalis of Planview to share findings from his upcoming Top 5 Misconceptions about Innovation Management Software report and Carrie’s provocative views on companies that “fake innovation.”…

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Tech-Clarity Change Survey Covered in Machine Design

Elisabeth Eitel of Machine Design covered Tech-Clarity’s Best Practices for Factory Adaptability report.              Hear her views on the results in Machine Design article Survey results: Manufacturers tell how they implement change.      

Best Practices for Factory Adaptability

Tech-Clarity Perspective: Best Practices for Factory Adaptability – Top Performers Implement Change Faster and More Confidently shares survey results from over 250 manufacturers examining how they implement change in their factories. The study reviews the practices of the “top performers,” those that implement change more effectively in their plants, to determine best practice processes and…

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Designing Products for Performance, Risk, and Compliance

Issue in Focus: Designing Products for Performance, Risk, and Compliance – Leveraging Product Analytics to Optimize Design Decisions and Tradeoffs shares the importance of proactively providing designers with insight into the many impacts of their design decisions. Product analytics is critical to help companies design and develop products with optimal cost, compliance, weight, performance, and…

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Take a Survey on PLM’s Role in Product Development and Innovation

Tech-Clarity and Kalypso are looking for product-oriented companies to share their views on how Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) helps them with their new product development and product innovation performance. People willing to take between 5 to 10 minutes to take the survey will be given a free copy of the resulting report. Please share your…

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Microsoft’s Innovation Management Framework White Paper and IM Consortium

Tech-Clarity would like to announce participation as a charter member and advisor of Microsoft’s Innovation Management Consortium and the release of a new white paper from Microsoft sharing the Microsoft Innovation Management Framework. The paper announces the consortium and shares a wealth of information and experience from Microsoft and other consortium members, including: A repeatable…

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