All Results for "All"


Extending Digital Threads to the Customer Experience (eBook)

How can manufacturers get closer to customers, gain more intimacy, and create more business value for themselves and their customers? How does extending the digital thread into the customer experience and operational phase of the product lifecycle help? Our eBook shares the results of interviews with eight manufacturers to shed some light. Please enjoy the…

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How to Engineer High-Performing, Quality Products without Extra Cost

What is the best way for engineers to manage multiple design criteria, impacted by multiple physics, yet still meet deadlines, cost targets, and quality requirements? Tech-Clarity’s eBook, How to Engineer High-Performing, Quality Products without Extra Cost, examines this question. The eBook shares findings based on the results of a survey of 272 manufacturers. It also…

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Getting Beyond Percentages to Insights with OEE (eBook)

Could your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) metrics do more to accelerate improvement? Most manufacturers’ can, but not necessarily by doing what they have been doing. Read our eBook, Getting Beyond Percentages to Insights with OEE, to learn more. Please enjoy the summary* below. Please visit our sponsor PTC for the full research (registration required). For related…

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Embracing Cloud Engineering Software and Data (webcast)

How ready are manufacturers and AEC companies to embrace the cloud in engineering? AMC Bridge’s live webcast, hosted by Jim Brown, explores whether now is the right time to move toward cloud engineering software and data. Hear the panel of speakers share their deep experience and unique perspectives: Igor Tsinman, Co-founder and President of AMC Bridge,…

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Seven Building Blocks of the Digital Thread (eBook)

What are the core fundamentals that manufacturers need in their digital thread? What do they need in their PLM system to serve as their digital thread backbone? Read our eBook, The Seven Building Blocks of the Digital Thread, to learn more. Please enjoy the summary* below. Please visit our sponsor PTC for the full research (registration…

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Could You Reduce your Manufacturing Workplace Safety Risks? (webcast)

Are your manufacturing workers safe? Many companies don’t know. Yet, the risk of not knowing workplace safety is high. The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new focus to the health and safety of onsite frontline employees. Those workers are in high demand, and part of knowing who is at risk comes down to their…

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The Low-Code Technology “Breakthrough” (guest post)

Some see low-code as a promising new technology, but is it really new? No. Is it promising for digital transformation? Our survey says yes. Please enjoy the summary below or see Jim Brown’s full guest post on the Siemen’s blog to learn how the low-code technology “breakthrough” helps fill digital transformation gaps. Digital Transformation Gaps…

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The Power in the Hidden Factory: Unlocking the Untapped Potential in Manufacturing Operations (webcast)

Could your production operation be more productive? Sometimes it’s difficult to tell, despite having plenty of data. Sometimes, metrics like overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) don’t even help uncover the hidden factory. Yet, OEE can and should pinpoint opportunities. Find out how to improve more reliably in this June 2021 webcast. Listen in to Tech-Clarity’s Julie…

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Buyer’s Guide for Digital Work Instructions

With increasing demands for highly skilled operators, yet a shortage of workers with those skills, what can manufacturers do to boost manufacturing productivity? With workforce shortages, market volatility, and rising costs plaguing most manufacturers, many are turning to new ways of operating, and digital transformation is playing a pivotal role. Digital work instructions can be…

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How Software Enables Industrial Additive Manufacturing (webcast)

What role does software play in the maturation of additive manufacturing to industrial scale? This live webcast, hosted by Jim Brown and Igor Tsinman, President of AMC Bridge, explores the symbiotic relationship between additive manufacturing technology and the software applications that work cohesively with them. The panel includes Igal Kaptsan – General Manager Software of GE…

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Michelle Boucher Speaks at Big Lever’s Momentum 2021 Symposium

What role should feature-based Product Line Engineering (PLE) play in a digital transformation strategy? On May 11-12, 2021, Big Lever will be holding their Momentum 2021 Symposium and this question will be the underlying theme of the event. Tech-Clarity’s Michelle Boucher will join the list of speakers and she will explore the question, why should…

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PLM for the Medical Device Digital Thread (buyer’s guide)

How can PLM enable medical device companies to streamline engineering and create digital continuity with a cohesive medical device digital thread? What should they look for in a PLM solution to improve closed-loop quality and patient outcomes while meeting complex, regional compliance demands? This eBook takes a deeper dive into the data from our original, cross-industry digital thread study to…

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Fill IoT Gaps with Low-Code (guest post)

How can low-code help fill digital transformation gaps to help companies achieve the value of IoT opportunities? Jim Brown’s guest post on Siemen’s blog shows how companies can fill IoT gaps with low-code applications. Below is a short summary, click here to read Jim Brown’s full guest post on the Siemen’s blog. Digital Transformation Creates Opportunities  Today’s…

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Can Low-Code Fill Gaps in Digital Transformation (survey results)

Digital transformation creates, exposes, and widens gaps in processes, organizational approaches, and systems. This leads 96% of industrial companies to say they need to create and implement new software more quickly. Addressing these application shortfalls is critical to long-term business success. Is developing applications with low-code the answer to filling the gaps? We surveyed over…

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How Advanced Analytics in Manufacturing Can Lead to Cost Cuts (guest post)

Could deeper insights lower some manufacturing costs? For years, continuous improvement programs have successfully lowered operating costs. Now, companies are using advanced analytics in manufacturing to find even more opportunities. This is not your father’s analytics. Rather, it correlates among different data sources, including IoT, to deliver fresh insights for confidently moving to reduce costs….

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Retool Semiconductor Innovation for Profit (survey results)

How can semiconductor companies make their product innovation even more profitable? By moving beyond technical prowess. By retooling innovation for a modern lifecycle management approach for digital continuity. This white paper is based on a Tech-Clarity survey of 277 semiconductor and high-tech professionals to find out how semiconductor companies manage product development and product lifecycles….

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What is the Cost of Poor Quality in Your Manufacturing Environment? (guest post)

What does Poor Quality Really Cost? Calculating the actual cost of quality problems is not straightforward. Some of the expenses are apparent, but many are not. Quality is important to customers and to business profitability. So, truly understanding the cost of quality warrants the effort. Fortunately, advanced manufacturing technologies can help analyze and understand expenses…

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Manufacturing Data: Can It Finally Flow? (guest blog)

What current challenge have manufacturers been wrestling with for at least 35 years? System integration. Getting manufacturing data to flow has always been a problem. And it still is. Based on Tech-Clarity research The Manufacturing Data Challenge: Lessons from Top Performers, most of the 300 respondents’ companies need better ways to integrate IT and OT data….

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Lower Six Manufacturing Costs with IoT (eBook)

How can IoT and advanced technologies lower costs in manufacturing? Lower Six Manufacturing Costs with IoT explores how new technologies can help keep age-old manufacturing expenses in check. The report discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies for monitoring and using data can streamline processes and support people in making profitable decisions….

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Choosing PLM for the A&D Digital Thread (survey results)

How can Aerospace and Defense (A&D) companies streamline collaboration and create digital continuity? What should they look for in a PLM system to support a cohesive digital thread, especially given that their IT systems were not designed for remote work during a pandemic?  This eBook takes a deeper dive into the data from our original,…

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